This reminds me of a story. When I was a senior in high school, I went to Memphis to see Graceland for spring break with a friend. We took a side trip to the Memphis Brooks Museum (because I can't go to a city without checking out its museum). There was a special exhibit at the time of plaster masks of various celebrities in one of the galleries (e.g. Paul Newman, Carly Simon, Whoopi Goldberg). I believe they were the work of Willa Shalit, but don't quote me on it. They were interesting but not very riveting in all honesty, so we moved quickly on to another gallery. As we left the gallery with the casts, a second grade class was entering it. Seconds later, in the gallery next door, my friend and I heard a crash. We looked at each other because we knew what happened. Men in suits with walkie talkies were running into the gallery and we followed them. Looking into the gallery we saw one of the men talking on his walkie talkie and the panicked look of an elementary teacher who was trying to comfort a sobbing 8-year old who was standing next to a shattered Whoopi Goldberg. I always think of this event whenever I see Whoopi.
P.S. I wonder if this is the same Whoopi.
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