Tuesday, February 20, 2007

It's Electric!

The intellectual property debate has officially "jumped the shark." Ric Silver, the inventer of the dance, The Electric Slide (formerly, The Electric), is considering copyrighting his dance because "people keep doing it wrong (paraphrase)". I'm not really a dancer, but I thought dancing in its basic philosophy, encouraged a little improvisation, and a little wiggle room--a personal touch. Am I the only who thinks this is a little nutty? Can one copyright a dance? How will this be enforced? Will the dance police patrol every club in the world looking for dance criminals? I think it would be one thing to copyright The Tango, but the Electric Slide? Do a lot of people still dance in this style? If you can copyright one dance, you'll have to copyright them all. Freddie better start the copyright process or someone might try to steal this little gem or do it wrong:

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